
Hi there! You rock! just for simply being here! Let’s start by introducing ourselves. We are 5999online.com, a local listing directory/market place where customers can meet companies and vice versa. Do you have something in mind and wonder if it’s available on the island of Curaçao? 5999Online can help you; easy … just Search, Click & Shop! ^_^

5999Online was created by Victor de Coito Pita, Mark Aniceto and June Oehlers in the extraordinary pandemic times where online services became more relevant. Unlike other big, worldwide directories, 5999Online is really designed with the intention of being the go-to resource for when it comes to connecting people with the best products and services this wonderful island has to offer.

With your help, we have the potential to outrank big directories in search rankings. Think of it like this: Big directories are like giant international phone books, while 5999Online is a much smaller dedicated local one. Now imagine if you were a search engine wanting to deliver the most useful information to your users, would you give them the giant international book? or the local one?

“Oh yeah, look it up on 5999online.com…”

You should find what you’re looking for over there.

We want 5999Online to be recognized as the place where we all point to when no-one knows where to refer someone to…”Oh yeah, look it up on 5999online.com, you should find what you’re looking for over there.” Eventually 5999Online will be known on Curaçao and people will think of it when looking for referrals.

That’s not all folks. When you join 5999Onlne, you’re joining a community. We’re really aiming for this project to become a great resource for the island of Curaçao. We plan to keep improving this website by introducing services like; online shopping, great deals, and on-time deliveries. Whether it be by contributing to or reading our 5999Online blog. Maybe connecting online with brands or services by just being more visible to each other and potential clients? 5999Online will serve as a platform to connect and work together with our community.

Stay awesome! 💪🏽

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